Thursday, May 27, 2010

Random Numbers

Random numbers.
Random numbers are a very important piece of any programming language.
The difficult part is importing the random module. You can write your own randomness module or use the supplied one. To do this simply type:

Import random

This imports the random module. Now to set a variable to a random number, simply type:

abcd= random.randint(1, 10)

The random.randint() gives a random integer between the two numbers you put in the parentheses. This is the simplest use of random numbers.
This can be used in conjunction with the elif command to give random output. Here is an example:

import random

abcd = random (1,10)

if abcd == 1:
print "hello"
elif abcd == 2:
print "hi"

Etc. Etc.
This is very helpful in many scenarios such as having something different said every time with the print command.
Next Post: to be announced

Elif command

The elif command allows you to put several else-like commands in a row. It works like a combination of else and if.

for example:

if < insert condition here >:
< insert action here >

< insert condition here >:
< insert action here >

< insert condition here >:
< insert action here >
etc. etc.

This makes it so that the elif only executes if the first if is false, and will execute in order, so be careful of that.

Note: ALWAYS remember to indent the line after the else, elif and if commands and put the colon after the condition.

This becomes extremely helpful if there are several different outcomes for a single action.

Next Post: Random Numbers

Else and if commands

Today we will learn about the else, if, then and elif commands. The if command works just like real life. It works like this:

if < insert condition here>:
< insert action here >

Note: You must indent the line after the if statement and the else statement. Also, you must put a colon after the condition.

So if for example variable "a" is 1 and you want to do something if it is 4, then you write this:

if a == 4:
insert action here >

Note: you use one equals sign to set things equal to each other, but you use two to compare them. That is why I used one in the variables post and two in this post.

If you want it to do something if "a" = 4 but somethng else if it isn't, then do this:

if a == 4:
insert action here >
insert action here >

Note: Always remember to put the colon after else otherwise it won't work.

Next post: elif command